Gratitude Theory: Science or a Hoax?

The power of gratitude has always been wrapped in mystery... and many are still finding amazement in the overwhelming feeling that they get with a simple thanks on what blessings and graces come their way. Is it really some kind of a mystical power that is fueling that honest to goodness positive feeling? Or, is there some scientific explanation behind this positive experience?

In my quest for answers, I've scoured the web for hours ( I couldn't really recall ) and there are plenty of stories out there on how a moment of sincere gratitude had brought magic and miracles back into their so-called hopeless lives. Sometimes, it makes one wonder if this is just another delusional craze that will feed the hungry souls with the latest inspiration, igniting emotions, and losing its hold - like one would feel on a sugar crash.

Saying thank you have been done out of conventional rules on good manners, and a very few people have done it almost everyday of their lives. Researchers have been curious and they have found out that gratitude can indeed give a significant boost to a person's health, and his or her overall well-being. There was indeed a study done on the theory of gratitude and thanksgiving... and it comes to no surprise that those who practiced the act of giving thanks everyday are more mentally alert, happy, and stress-free. Also, there is this unexplainable ripple effect that the act of gratitude encourages kindness among people, touching every person's heart with a sense of benevolence like some virus - in a good way.

The world's most celebrated religions and prophets have known this, and they have been teaching us all along for many centuries. Yet, we have failed to listen - most of the time. Prayer is the number one factor that allows the healing powers of gratitude to touch our lives. But this doesn't mean that people who chose to be free thinkers are less lucky.

A simple, honest thank you is just enough to uplift your very soul... and the good thing is, this act transcends religion, age, race, sex, or gender. It is said that in the field of positive psychology, the very act of gratitude is most often called as the "forgotten factor." We just seem to focus our happiness on things we want to have and achieve... when we have so much in our lives that we should be grateful for.

The good news is - there is still time to be thankful for all the blessings you have right now. It is never too late to start saying thank you, each day, and feel how blessed your life is. Then, you'll just feel yourself smiling and waking up to a better life that you haven't even known. It is still the same life you have, but only this time - more meaningful than what they seem to be.

Gratitude is something that must be respected, which can be felt, and something that science can never ever fully quantify. It is an invisible link that binds our souls into the voices of the world.... just happy to be here to live a short, but meaningful lifetime.

Here's a video I've found that can help you feel the joys of a simple thanks: