Reaching Your Dreams through 3 D's

This article, among many good things, is what I will be leaving behind this pale, blue dot in the sky we call home - Earth. The body may wither and perish, but the ebb of inspiration shall linger across the shores of the human mind, flowing to the very core of the soul that unites our lives like a spinning web. You may not even have heard of my name... but the very thought of this article being read right now have made me feel that somehow, I have touched someone's life. It is not a magic pill, yet, I am only hoping for the best.


I have always been a dreamer under countless stars, waiting for miracles to happen... until one day, I woke up being hit hard by an ultimate realization: I have the power to get my dreams! I never had the confidence in myself until I have realized one thing - that if I don't believe in me, then, no one probably will. I have dreamed of being a writer and now, I become one. The road of dreams is one rocky, steep climb, and I got bruises along the way. It is in my darkest moments that I have learned to face my deepest fears and learned to rise again. Life may not always be a picture-perfect postcard, or a box of the sweetest chocolates, but always find a time to dream. It can come true. It happened to me and so, it can happen to you.


Being an artist, I am more open to the countless moments of serendipity in my life. There were times when I had wanted something so badly, only to have a friend coming to give me that very thing I had desired. I even find myself in the edge of sanity as I try so hard to find ways in fixing my life only to find answers in the very wind that gently kissed my face. I believe that my openness to the simplest joys and pleasures of this world have made my life a cornucopia, where graces fill and flow. Sometimes, the rigors of daily living can take a toll on each one of us.. but never stop desiring.. for the cosmos has a mysterious way of bringing all hopes together into the material world. Believe it or not. The important thing is living each day with passion and love for life itself.


I will never forget the ads I saw a few years back: JUST DO IT! Yes, that is my motto in life. I had numerous moments of doubts and fears gnawing on my mind like nasty little maggots. If only I had been wiser, I would have done things differently. Fact is: Nothing is ever too late. I have made mistakes and so did you. We might even harbor some guilt and regrets that are clouding the very beauty of our lives.

It is hard to let go of the past or worries for the future, but I am still learning the art of letting go. I have accepted that I am not a perfect person. This is the first step in doing what I am meant to do here on Earth. When I had lowered the high bar jump of my life and accepted the way that I am, I have found out that life is not so tough as I used to believe. Then, everything flows seamlessly like an invincible shroud cradling me from the ugliness of the real world.

I am a living testament to life's simple grace. This is my manifestation. It may not even be the golden key to the secrets of the universe, but it makes me happy that I am leaving these words of hope for you to read.

" Inspiration...this is my gift.. "

Be Inspired with Diane Chamberlain's Insight on Writing: