Indifference Drives the World into Poverty

INDIFFERENCE... is the root cause of poverty's very own evil. Greed is just the wind that fans the flame of hardship.

Poverty and selfishness have always been synonymous with each other, even in the Ancient times where the powerful and rich Pharaohs of Egypt had the luxury of gold and wine lain at their feet, while the multitude of slaves were made to suffer great heights of impoverishment. It is the very greed eating inside Cain that led him to slay his brother, Abel. It is in the very nature of mankind to want more, until we suck this earth dry of its natural bounty and beauty.

Lucky are those who have the supreme power in the politics of this world...

The very imbalance of the invisible scale between wealth and penury is ever so common in the third world countries. We live in it everyday - of city slums side by side the metro's high rise. There is so much gap between the rich and the poor that one could wonder how we survive amidst the chaos of it all. It is like waking up everyday surrounded by malformed paintings, only that these paintings are day-to-day realities. We see homeless people stripped of their basic right to human dignity, people dying of hunger on the other side of the world, women risking their lives into human trafficking just to get away from poverty back home, and many more stories we don't want to hear of. Unfortunately, some of them never made to live another day to see a better world. Stories like these become a common evening news made for our entertainment, where people have turned a blind-eye and a deaf ear to life's bitter realities.

Acknowledging that there is something wrong with the world today and doing nothing about it - is the worst of all sins.

Greed is just the driving force that pushes people to live in extremes... for the benefit of the very few, elite players in the field. It doesn't matter if it is played in the name of money, power, domination, or control, as long as the barrels of the major league players are filled to the brim. Reality is: the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer.

One might say that there are various helps given by the first world countries to the under-developed ones. It is very much appreciated, but, it is like a band-aid solution without lasting effects. If the first world nations really want to alleviate the standard of lives of those living under inhumane conditions, a permanent change must be made and laws must be rewritten.

Reality is that impoverished nations are being buried in a mountain of debts from the World Bank and IMF. It is then very hard to climb the ladder of success when one's foot is stuck in a ditch of debt that will be paid by the next generations to come. Sometimes, the very fault is in the government of these poor countries, of blatant corruption and abuse of authority. In the end, growth is moving in a turtle pace and most of the time, forced into stalemate. Numerous funds that should have went to a very good cause have vanished into thin air and nobody could offer a good resolution, or even a simple explanation for the matter.

It is not bad to think of oneself first before others. But in a world of uncertainties, where even those on the top are hitting rock bottom - it is high time to reassess what our values really are if we want to lead better lives in this world. Besides, we only have one planet to deal with and we are here to stay. We might as well help each other out - for no one will do it for us... but our own greedy selves.

What can you do to end poverty? A LOT. One small change is all that it thanks to make a huge difference. Be thankful for this gift of re-awakening.