The Truth Behind the Law of Attraction

LOVE... is the very secret of the Law of Attraction. When your heart is filled with love, you are being open to the marvelous flow of positivity in your life. When you wake up each morning with love in your heart, you will feel much better living in a world that is full of everyday ugliness, horrors, and crimes.

Love is a very powerful force that had shaped our universe into the way we know it today. Love have compelled all the atoms in the world to merge into a big bang that created the very spawn of life, connecting us with each other. Even the Holy Bible mentions this love that made God create the world and mankind. Love also prevented our total annihilation by the great flood that had swept the so called "evil" in the olden days.

There are many books and videos out there selling the principle of the law of attraction for the sake of profit. They come in many beautiful pictures and words - truly evoking. But, if one would look closer and compare, one can see that the very core teaching of this law is based on love.

Love makes you feel all the positive feelings of joy, peace, hope, abundance, health, and dreams. When there is love, you are singing the very song that is sung by the omnipresence we pray to. We may call it in different names: Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and so on. But when your heart is a fount of love, it shelters you from the negative things life can bring - and so, you only bind the positive aspects of life.

In a mathematical equation, we cannot be in both planes at the same time. You will notice that the world comes in duality: night and day, light and dark, matter and anti-matter. Everywhere is the opposite of something. Logically, you cannot be in two places at the same time. To apply this to the law of attraction means you cannot attract bad things if you are experiencing good things. Or simply put it this way: You cannot love and hate at the same time.

When you live each day with love in your life, you will be amazed of how powerful it can be. When the world feels this love you harbor inside, it somehow sends a ripple effect that only gives you that loving you deserve in return. It is like the Law of Karma, only this time, love guides you all the way.

Love yourself, be grateful for who you are, and you'll feel a huge difference in the way you have been living your life. You don't even have to buy and read all those books about the law of attraction. When you love yourself, the world is but a wonderful place where everything is possible. Just let love flow into your life and the rest will be - magic.