The Powers of Meditation and Gratitude

The world we live in today seems to be revolving faster than it usually did in the past centuries. Often, we feel that time is just too fast and there are so many things to do in just a single day. How many times do we hear ourselves whisper, " I wish I had more time..?"

The truth is, we really do have time, but the way we spend them is the biggest question of all. What is quality time? For others, it may be about a well-organized schedule in their daily planners, and for a few, it may be those precious moments of joy which are priceless. Within the meaning of quality time lies a key to a simpler life that moved on a pace that seems to transcend - time.

Meditation, then, makes us hold our ground and stay still amidst the chaos of our very busy lives. It brings back that lost perspective on the simple, beautiful things we had almost forgotten. To be at peace from within is to be at peace with the world around us. There is just no room for all the ugliness we face everyday. To meditate is to unleash the power of balance that brings us back to our roots - that we are blessed, no matter how we may think otherwise.

When you spend a few minutes a day to meditate, you then start to see your life like an artwork in a canvass called LIFE. You see the good and the bad, like watching a beautiful montage. You see what your mind remembers and you learn from the lessons of your experiences. With this self discovery, you begin to be fully aware of the infinite things that dwell within and without you. Meditation then opens up that locked door within yourself, making you contact your higher being.

When this higher being is awakened, it fires up a pure energy that is in the very core of our hearts and souls. This energy makes you grateful for all the things that was, that is, and that will be.

Some people may resist this overwhelming feeling of gratitude, not because of lack, but because they have been too preoccupied to even feel its splendor. It is fear that makes them so. Gratitude brings a whole lot of positive emotions that can drown your very being. It is in the very air you breathe and the very food you eat. When you let yourself fill up with this pure energy, you'll feel that worries, fears, anger, and doubts leave your body. You feel at ease.

Maybe, we have been too harsh on ourselves to take a moment and feel this pure joy. Or, maybe we have been used to an endless cycle of suffering that stepping out from this vicious circle takes a bit of daring.

No matter how or when, let the gift of meditation guide you in finding your gratitude. When you do, keep it...for good!